Tuesday 18 October 2016


Dear parents,

You may be wondering where our spelling program has gone, if it has disappeared completely but rest assured, it has not. We took a short break from it because of the back to back short weeks.  Also this year we are using a new spelling program called Wordly Wise 3000. This program encompasses many spelling activities, such as grammar lessons, building a stronger and more rich vocabulary, reading comprehension activities, mini quizzes etc. As you can see, that is a lot to cover in 1 week.  Therefore, as a gr.4 team, we have decided to spread out the activities over two weeks instead.  We felt that this would allow us to go deeper into the activities and for your children to feel more successful at them too. The new list of words will be coming home tomorrow in their planners, and the quiz will be the following week on Wednesday. The gr.5 team is following this same outline and is finding great success with it.  I hope that clarifies any questions that you may have.  If not, please do not hesitate to send me a note in the planner.

On a side note, we had a great presentation today at school called "The Power of 1". There was a lot of wonderful information and strategies shared with the children about bullying, bullying prevention, and how to deal with it as a bystander. Take the time to talk with your children about this very important topic. We all have the power to make a difference!

Go Jays Go!

Ms. Shklar

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